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About Katie


    I have always been a “do-er” as my dad and uncle would say. When they were building my dad’s workshop, I would hang around and see what I could “help” them with. Building and creating has always fascinated me. My dad and I would build doll houses, bunk beds and other small projects. Later, I learned to sew from my mother. During college, it was my favorite hobby, making clothes, pillows, and quilts!  


     Now that I am older and have a house of our own, I have taken to personalizing our home and create a functional living space! Between my husband and dad, I learned to use power tools to create a custom home and upgrade furniture. So far, creating for our home has been the most rewarding hobby yet!


    Since graduating and working full time as an Occupational Therapist, I value a creative outlet outside of work. After discovering how much I love to update our home and much encouragement from my family and friends, I started this blog and social media accounts to share my projects and inspire others to find their own outlets! Also maybe find some beginner Women DIY friends like myself


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